Legal Impact
Some statistics for Legal Services Vermont in 2023:
- answered about 9,000 requests for legal help
- gave legal advice and information to 4,725 Vermonters over the phone
- saw 560,574 page views on our legal help website at
- helped 329 victims of crime
- represented 528 households facing eviction
- advocated for 73 Vermonters who lost Social Security benefits
- helped 102 Vermonters navigate bankruptcy and debt collection
- fought for 79 Vermonters to get emergency housing
- sent 1,172 cases to Vermont Legal Aid
Our lawyers and paralegals often have a lasting, life-changing impact on their clients.
On any given day, LSV’s lawyers and paralegals might help someone get heat back on in their apartment or find emergency housing, help a senior reclaim their lost Social Security benefits, help a battered woman get protective orders from the court, or help a family navigate the eviction or bankruptcy process.
Vermonters ask us most often about legal issues like these, in descending order:
- Housing
- Family
- Benefits
- Consumer
- Individual Rights
- Employment
- Health
- Other